Check Policy

Check policy

To ensure that the IAM policies will work properly, we will perform the tests corresponding to the following table in turn:

Order Specification Section
1 Access to AWS Region is not allowed 5.2.1
2 Access to AWS Region allowed, EC2 service 5.2.2
3 Use Resource Tag with a value that does not fit 5.2.3
4 Edit Resource Tag to a value that does not fit the condition 5.2.4
5 Performing EC2 instance management 5.2.5

Let’s review the brief description of each IAM Policy:

  • ec2-list-read: This policy will only allow read-only permissions for EC2 services in regions us-east-1 and us-west-1
  • ec2-create-tags: This policy will allow the creation of tags for the EC2 service, with the condition that it is enforced when we proceed to create an EC2 instance
  • ec2-create-tags-existing: This policy will allow the creation of tags for EC2 services, provided that if and only if the resources (existing or will be created) tagged as follows “Key=Team,Value=Alpha”
  • ec2-run-instances: This policy allows creation of EC2 instances if and only if the conditions are about AWS Regions (us-east-1 & us-west-1) and Resource Tags (Key=Team,Value=Alpha) is satisfied. Next, this policy allows for the creation of related resources at the time we create the EC2 instance, with a condition about AWS Regions (us-east-1 & us-west-1) .
  • ec2-manage-instances: This policy allows to perform basic operations (reboot, terminate, start, stop) for EC2 instances, provided that AWS Regions (us-east- 1 & us-west-1) and Resource Tags (Key=Team,Value=Alpha) must be satisfied.


  1. Role Switching
  2. Check Policy